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Flying from the US, there aren’t any direct flights to the Isle of Man. You’ll have to catch a major carrier to Europe and then there are plentiful and inexpensive flights to the Isle of Man. If connecting, I recommend you stay overnight first, then catch an early flight the next morning (so you can be sure to arrive in time for racing.)


Alternatively, you could take the inexpensive ferry from many major ports. The ride is roughly 3 hours long from Dublin or Liverpool.


From Dublin or Manchester, the flight to Isle of Man is a quick hour away. It takes longer to board and off-load than the flight itself; I can’t even recall if they served refreshments. Upon arrival, we inquired with the staff about taking the bus to the central promenade. We were instructed to go to the left bus stop outside of the exit. There are only two bus stops; one on the left, the other on the right. Within a few minutes a driver approached and picked us up. I asked him if he knew where our hotel was, and he assured me he would let me know, so we wouldn’t miss it. He kindly dropped us off before the designated stop, directly in front of our hotel.  The ride took about 35 minutes, but we were happy to see the island on our way.


The return flight was a bit more hectic. I was told that we needn’t arrive at the airport more than an hour before, but we missed the first bus. We arrived at the airport only 20 minutes before our flight, and nobody seemed stressed, except us. Even with us cutting it close, we managed to check our bags, arrive at our gate and catch the bus to the tarmac in time. I do not recommend running late; not sure what happens if you miss that tarmac bus.



For regular updates about grandstand tickets, VIP opportunities (like tours with racers) and travel options for all races at the Isle of Man, follow @iom_tt on Twitter. They also post a lot of great photos, articles and news about the riders.



Don't forget to keep your Manx Sterling separate from your GBPs.


It's valid only here on the island, so you'll want to spend it all before you go.


Or, you'll have to plan to come back.



Want more souvenirs once you’ve returned home? has a huge selection of motorcycle parts, plus they create an official Festival of Jurby t-shirt for each Classic TT. The best part about these shirts- all profits contribute to MGPSC’s injured riders and helicopter fund. Shipping is fast and inexpensive, even to the States.

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